Next Annual Guide Advertising Sales Have Started

The Cave Creek Visitor’s Guide remained very popular again this year and we went through them faster than ever. I’m starting to put together our next guide – Our 14th ANNIVERSARY! Advertising can be reserved from now through June 12th or until space runs out so please let me know right away if you would like to be included.

Why is the Cave Creek Visitor’s Guide so successful? It is target marketing at its best and it has the best distribution of any Cave Creek visitor related publication – just look around town and you’ll always find a copy not to mention the airport and concierges. If someone picks up a copy of the guide, it is almost certain that they are planning to visit the Cave Creek area, are already in the Cave Creek area or are being recommended to visit Cave Creek area by an area resort concierge. This means your advertising dollars are very targeted to a person that is very likely to spend money in our area – make sure they spend some with you!

You can see the advertising information flyer on the Advertising page

A minimum of 45,000 guides will again be printed and distributed making it the best way available to reach visitors and residents in our area.

If you would like to talk to us about advertising, please contact Dale at